Hey, so the news of the day...Sister Amis is getting
transfered. :( Crazy. If there is one thing that is consistant in life it would
have to be change, and you know my feelings on change.My new companion is
Sister Callister. Haha anywho, to respond to your letter. The rain isn't bad
when it is warm, but sometimes it's just straight-up cold. We rode bikes the majority
of this past week due to a lack of miles, so that was exciting. It was really
nice when it was warm, and wasn't even too bad when it was raining until we
stopped to visit someone and we were soaking wet! It's funny being in
Minnesota, everyone can tell i'm from Utah when I say thanks for the moisture
in my prayers. They have so much water, and don't want any more! I have never
seen this much rain in my life, I do quite enjoy the lightning and thunder
though. We don't have snow, and everything is starting to get so green!
Speaking of the which, my plants are so tall now! I need to plant more flowers
today, but I have 6 tomatoe plants....what in the world am I going to do with
all of them.
What kind of running shoes? That's super exciting. I love
wearing mine :)
Good luck with Mayday...I sure hope it's a more positive
experience for you then it was for me a couple of years ago! You'll have
to take pictures, and embarrass Jackie for me!
I hope Soccer continues to go well, and that is great for
Jake that he's the Deacon's quorum president! I hope it goes well, i'm sure it
will. He's a great kid (except he hasn't written me in ages ;) ) That can be a
lot of responsibility, but responsibility isn't always a bad thing.
That is an interesting thought about worthiness. I think a
lot of us are a lot harder on ourselves then we need to be. I think we all let
the Spirit pass by us more often then we need to.
This week has been busy, we have two people solidly
committed for baptism in June, and had 9 people to church on sunday, all who
didn't speak English as their first language! It's crazy here in Austin. Sorry
for the short email today, we have tons to do, i'll add something in a bit if I
have time. I hope you all have a great week!
Sister Christina Trickler
Sister Christina Trickler
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